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I believe allot of central america up to Colombia and Peru to be Zebulon. when you look at a map for central america and south america showing dominion over the land by color key you should see it depicting which nation of people dominated what continents the span yards, the british,the Portuguese the french ect.. span yards dominate many continents.

Looking at the key on the left it shows the slaver dominion of each dominate force, spanyards,ductch, french all European powers. 


The reason I dont mention the other parts is do to the fact that in history they split. what I mean is that in the "blackbirding" history of samoa who I believ to be Naphtali ,


Genisis / Barashith 49:21

Naphtali is a deer let loose; He uses beautiful words.

look at black birding and how they were like a deer all over diffreent island ect.. and the common known phrase of greeting Aloha.


They migratted them trhough slavery from those iisland to Australia, New zeland, and chilli . The green part being Brazil, conqured by the  Portugees to be Asher.

I believe allot of central america up to Colombia and Peru to be Zebulon. when you look at a map for central america and south america showing dominion over the land by color key you should see it depicting which nation of people dominated what continents the span yards, the british,the Portuguese the french ect.. span yards dominate many continents.

 I wanna bring into account 3 people Aztecs,Olmec and Incas.

a book called everything you need to know about latino history, the section says this. 


The two people that dominated mexico before the spanish  conquista were the maya and aztec. The olmec we are refereed to as a mother or sister  capture. 


The people who dominated south america before before the spanish  conquisita  was the inca and andeansin the highlands of peru who latter in 1438 expanded. by the time the spanish conquistadores first step foot in the inca territory the inca empire spread from south america pacific coast over the andes mountain and from what is present day Colombia. 


Panama ship ports 

Columbia ship ports 

So lets look at scripture.


Genesis / Barashith 49:13

Zebulun shall dwell at the shore of the sea; and he shall be for a haven of ships; and his border shall be unto zion.


both central america and Colombia have ship harbors but more popular the Panama canal in central america.

Also the emblem of his flag was a ship.


After looking at migration patterns, dominionship of nations pertaining to slave masters, scripture of characteristic parallels between the bible and the people I drew my conclusion.


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